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Category: Press

Press release_IFF_2016_final_20160927_31982.docxCastings shaping future1977005 Bytedownload
 Press info: IFF 2016, Format Word 
_MG_0281_More than 250 CEOs met at the ninth International Foundry Forum_32350.jpgMore than 250 CEOs met at the IFF 2016970449 Bytedownload
 Press photo: More than 250 CEOs met at the ninth International Foundry Forum 
_MG_0200_Opening speech of Mr_32214. Villas-Boas, CAEFOpening speech of Mr Villas-Boas, CAEF602674 Bytedownload
 Press photo: Opening speech of Mr. Villas-Boas, CAEF 
_MG_0219_Opening speech of Mr_32261. Ioannidis, CEMAFONOpening speech of Mr. Ioannidis, CEMAFON550747 Bytedownload
 Press photo: Opening speech of Mr. Ioannidis, CEMAFON